Thursday, September 11, 2008

When Animals Take Over

During Abbey's lunch I wondered into our bedroom to get my phone to call Joel and see how his day was going...... When I returned to the kitchen, this is what I found......
Apparently Lucy was hungry too and wanted to partake in some lunch: or she was just tired and wanted a place to sleep? Either way I had to take some pictures and then scald her for her bad table manners.
Abbey just thought it was hilarious
Abbey thought she needed some love, so love she got!

This is our life on a regular basis.... I guess you just have to learn to laugh!
I know I haven't been keeping you updated lately, I guess that is what happens when you work and have a 1 year old. So tonight I decided to get you up to speed! I have more posts below.

1 comment:

J D C and N said...

That is so funny! She's so cute.