Thursday, September 11, 2008


The week after Abbey's birthday we found ourselves bound to a hotel. The hard wood floors in Mom's house were being redone while she was in California, so Joel, Abbey and I packed up and went to a hotel. We stayed for 5 days, which to most people would have been great. Free breakfast, a whirl pool tub, someone to come make your bed in the morning and bring you fresh towels, sounds great right? For Joel and I it wasn't so great. We have a 1 year old who can not for the life her sleep through the night. Plus, a hotel room = one large room. No where for Abbey to be alone and go to sleep by herself. It was 5 days of no sleep so when I saw this....
It was BLISS!!!
Webster's Dictionary definition of the word bliss is; supreme happiness; utter joy or contentment. When I found my baby sleeping like this.... It was all of the above, happiness, utter joy, and contentment!
It's moments like these that make life worth the havoc.
Isn't she just so cute?

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